Trend Infomation

Weather Observation

Monitoring Stations and Their Name

The names of the monitoring stations are abbreviated as follows in this website, in order to identify the weather observation by the prefecture and nuclear company operators

  • Monitoring stations of Fukui Prefecture
     All 44 monitoring stations operated by Fukui Prefecture observe weather data.
     In this site, a prefectural monitoring station is displayed as “(place name) MS” or “Pref. (place name) MS”.
  • Monitoring Stations of Nuclear Company
     Each nuclear company operator locates weather station at the representative spot of each.
    In this site, a monitoring station of a nuclear company operator is displayed as “(place name) MS Weather”, or “(place name) MP Weather”. “MS” is the abbreviation for “monitoring station”, and “MP” is for “monitoring post”.
     Also, nuclear power plants provide facilities like an observation ground and a steel tower for weather observation. The data observed those facilities is displayed like “Ground Weather in (power plant name)”, or “XXm Elevation Wind in (power plant name)”.

Display of Weather Data

In this site, weather data is displayed as below

  • Web Map Display・・・Weather information appears in the balloon, which is displayed by pointing the icon displayed in the web map by the mouse. The data is displayed as latest 10 minutes data. (If the pointed monitoring station does not provide the weather information, the information balloon will not appear.)
  • Fixed Map Displa・・・Representative monitoring station data is displayed on the each map of “Near area around the power plant”, “Middle area around the power plant” and “Wide area around the power plant”. The weather data observed at each nuclear power plant is also listed on the each map of “Near area around the power plant”.
  • Trend Graph Display・・・It is displayed on the each time-series graph as additional information of air radiation dose rate and power plant data. As for the nuclear company monitoring station which does not provide weather observation, weather observation data of neighboring monitoring station is adopted.
  • Listed Display・・・Latest weather data of each monitoring station is displayed in 10 minutes data. Data elements are wind direction(16 directions), wind velocity(m/s), and rainfall(mm/10min).

※When the detected wind velocity is less than the measurable value of the measuring instrument (0.5 m/s), wind direction is displayed as “calm”.
※Trend Graph Display” provides “rainfall detection” is displayed with the rainfall data. “Rainfall detection” means whether rainfall or snowfall is detected or not, and it doesn’t depend on the amount of rainfall. The rainfall detector detects even a drop of rain and announces it as a signal of “rainfall detected”.

○ Trend graph display weather data reference list

Monitoring station Weather data referent
Tateishi MS,Tateishi MP,Inogaike MP,Urasoko MS,Urasoko MP,Irogahama MS,Fugen MP1,Fugen MP2, Rainfall:
  Ground Weather in Tsuruga Site
Wind Direction/Velocity:
  13m Elevation Wind in Tsuruga Site
Itsuhata MP Suizu MS Weather
Azo MP Akasaki MS Weather
Monju MS,Monju MP1,Monju MP2,Monju MP3,Monju MP4 Rainfall:
  Ground Weather in Monju Site
Wind Direction/Velocity:
  Ground Weather in Monju Site
Mihama MP1,Mihama MP2 Rainfall:
  Ground Weather in Mihama Site
Wind Direction/Velocity:
  Ground Weather in Mihama Site
Mihama MS,Mihama MP3,Mihama MP5,Sugahama MP Takenami MS Weather
Sata MP,Hayase MP,Hiruga MP Gouichi MP Weather
Ooi MS,Ooi MP1,Ooi MP2,Ooi MP5 Rainfall:
  Ground Weather in Ooi Site
Wind Direction/Velocity:
  27m Elevation Wind in Ooi Site
Ooi MP3 Hitsuhama MP Weather
Shikano MP,Kawakami MP Hongo MP Weather
Kato MP,Nishizu MP,Katsumi MP Obama MP Weather
Takahama MP2,Takahama MP5 Rainfall:
  Ground Weather in Takahama Site
Wind Direction/Velocity:
  Takahama Discharge Canal Weather
Takahama MS,Takahama MP1,Takahama MP3,Hibiki MP,Tai MP Kounoura MP Weather
Aonogo MP,Wada MP Miyazaki MS Weather
  • homepage data(fixed map)
  • homepage data
homepage graph

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